Quick Link Resource articles for Biblical Equality of the Sexes

This page has links to over 100 articles that I have written on the subject of biblical equality. The topic headings are in bold and arranged alphabetically (the links are not). Please let me know of any topics I should add to the page. I hope you find this resource helpful. You have my permission to share the articles freely. I only ask that you give me author's credit when quoting and link back to this blog where possible. 

Woman this is WAR! Gender, Slavery & the Evangelical Caste System: Andersen, Jocelyn: 9780979429323: Amazon.com: Books

Every numbered title on this page is a link (for some reason links do not show until you hover over them with your mouse). Please contact me if there is a problem with any of the links. ~~Jocelyn

Dear Advocates: Our efforts are not in vain (this title is also a link)

  1. The Story Behind the Writing of, Woman this is WAR! Gender, Slavery and the Evangelical Caste System
  2. Q & A with Jocelyn About Gender, Slavery, and the Evangelical Caste System

God & Women YouTube Playlist God and Women - YouTube 

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Complementarianism (general)
  1. Complementarianism Defined
  2. Defining the Christian Caste System
  3. One Bible Verse Refutes Complementarianism
  4. The Complementarian Truth about "Selfish" Rights for Women
  5. ComplementARIANISM Degrades Jesus
  6. Complementarian Extremism: Either radically submissive or Radical Feminist
  7. Complementarian cosmic role play between god-husband and church-wife
  8. Complementarian Censorship
  9. Complementarianism: Extravagant Promises and Dire Threats
  10. Complementarianism Hinders the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  11. I Cried: My Review of the Movie "COURAGEOUS"


Gender Bias in Bible Translation and Lexicons

  1. Bible Translators Portray the Woman Stephana as Male
  2. The Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 12:4 is not a Wife
  3. Misogyny in Translation of Proverbs 12:4
  4. Misogyny in Translation: The "Woman" in Proverbs 30:23 is Really a Man!
  5. The Myth of the "Virtuous" Woman: Misogyny in Translation
  6. Mother of a King and Writer of the 31st Chapter of Proverbs
  7. Lies in our Bible Versions Concerning Women
  8. Gender-Biased-English Translation-Theology
  9. Gender bias through Bible translation
  10. Gender-Biased-English-Translation-Theology Slanders the Woman at the Well
  11. Examples of Racism and Sexism in Story of 10 Lepers
  12. I coined the term "English-Translation-Theology" for a reason
  13. Men are More Important Than Women: Misogyny in Bible Lexicons and Commentaries
  14. It was a Woman NOT a man who led Peter and John to the Upper Room
  15. Invisible: Women Deleted from the Word of God
  16. Acts 7:26 Double Standard in Bible-Translation-Treatment of Women and Men
  17. God did not name humanity "MANKIND"
  18. Clear Statement of Equality Made to Say Opposite by Misogyny in Bible Translation
  19. Bible Commentators and Translators Hide Women in Plain Sight




  1. 1 Corinthians 11:3 How is the Man the Head of The Woman?
  2. Adam is NOT the "Federal Head" of all Humanity
  3. Trickle-Down-Headship
  4. Chloe: Female Head of House
  5. Is Female Submission to Male Headship a "Life and Death" Issue?"
  6. How is the man the head of the woman?
  7. Male Headship and the Ten Commandments
  8. Do husbands present wives to God at the judgment?
  9. 3 reasons husbands will NOT present wives to Christ at the judgment


  1. Mother Strong Bond of the Family: Father Physical Strength of the Home
  2. Equal "But...!"
  3. Eleven Years and Still No apology from Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
  4. First century wives and slaves: No legal recourse for either
  5. Paul did not tell wives to reverence husbands
  6. 8 years later: No Apology from CBMW
  7. Long Live Courtesy: Die Chivalry Die
  8. Christian Masculinity
  9. Entire Female Subordination Issue based on Inferiority/Superiority
  10. Jesus and Paul expose racism and sexism as illegitimate paradigms
  11. "I'm Glad I'm Not Colored"
  12. Double Standards and Invisible Women
  13. Surveys Prove Fathers are more Important than Mothers
  14. Nothing weak or subordinate about being maternal
  15. Silly Weak Gullible Women!
  16. Women are not men. Semantics Matter: 1 Peter Chapter 4
  17. Invisible Woman in Paul's Letter to Corinth
  18. Complementarian-Assumption-Bombs: Effective Thought Control
  19. Wives, be afraid: Be VERY afraid
  20. A Woman is a Nobody
  21. Chivalry Should be Dead
  22. The Priesthood of Believers Makes Women Equal in Authority with Men
  23. Insights into Male-Only Requirement to Attend Feasts of the LORD

  24. Gender Differences in Titles & Expectations of Purity
  25. Equality or Hierarchy: Which is it?
  26. In the Resurrection Whose Wife Will She be?
  27. Examples of Racism and Sexism in Story of 10 Lepers
  28. John Piper Instructs Couples in How to Behave in the Bedroom
  29. Caste, Spiritual Growth, & Forgotten Equality John 4:40-43
  30. John 19:26-27 The Feminization of the Church?
  31. Women need to be empowered and liberated to order their own food at restaurants???
  32. Nature does NOT teach that Long Hair is a Shame to Men: 1 Corinthians 11:13-16
  33. Women EXEMPTED not excluded
  34. Women are NOT Men
  35. Male Egotism Run Wild: My Sin is More Important than Your Sin
  36. Divorce and Women Preachers
  37. Women: Silence Subjection and Childbirth
  38. Organized Religion & its Effect on Women
  39. If you are a man, a woman is forbidden to tell you that HE'S ALIVE?
  40. May God deliver us from slave-holding Christianity
  41. 1 Thessalonians 4:4 Men, Don't You know that the Main Purpose of Wives is to Satisfy Your Lust for Porneia?
  42. How Adam wasTransformed from Sinner to Savior
  43. Poor Master
  44. Origins of Marriage Traditions
  45. Hierarchy within the Body of Christ
  46. Paul never condoned gender role religion or slavery
  47. Does empowering women inevitably dis-empower men?
  48. Sexist Prejudiced Stereotypes
  49. Girls are Different from Guys: Where Angels Play
  50. 100 Bible Studies On Woman’s Place In The Divine Economy: God's Word to Women.


Women Preaching/Women in Ministry

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