Eleven Years and Still No apology from Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Complementarianism is an unbiblical and harmful paradigm. 

It has been eleven years since the

 Seneca Falls 2 Christian Women's Rights Conference 

where we issued the now infamous Apology Demand to the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. We issued it in writing and sent it by FedEx to the council's headquarters. We issued it by video. We issued a press release and received a fair amount of attention from the press.

Woman Submit! Christians & Domestic Violence: Apology Demand Fed Ex'd to J Ligon Duncan III and to Randy Stinson (tracking #'s no longer valid. It has been 11 years!)

Al Mohler acknowledged the apology demand and not only refused to apologize for his dangerous leadership in the matter of complementarian doctrine but went on to say that we seemed to be a confused bunch with a weak disjointed argument

Mohler and the Council must consider our argument a serious threat to the false doctrine of complementarianism, else why such a disparaging tweet? Why tweet about us at all?

Additionally he was wrong on all counts. The conference was attended and officiated by academics and lay-people alike (view video highlights from the conference)My own argument was published in 2020 and released at the conference. The SF2 conference was the official launch of my book about God and what the council calls women's "roles." Readers have called the book thoughtful and well researched.  

One academic said the book contains "impressive exegesis." Another who had some criticism of a few of my thoughts gave the book a 4 1/2 star rating and stated that the book has " a unique approach and covers aspects overlooked by others." The same reader also stated that "Everything is well documented with footnotes in case you have questions or want sources." 

So much for Mohler's assessment of our argument being "confused and not quite together."

I encourage seekers to read the book and decide for themselves. It's an inexpensive paperback and free to read with Kindle unlimited. Even if you don't have a kindle device, a kindle reading ap for laptops and desktops is available for free.

Complementarianism is an unbiblical and harmful teaching. It is doubtful the council will ever change their minds about mandated roles for men and women and apologize for all the harm their teaching has inflicted on families, women, children, and men.

 Author and speaker, Jocelyn Andersen, is an eclectic Christian writer. She is a Bible teacher who writes about many subjects including Bible prophecy and equality of the sexes. She is best known for her advocacy in domestic violence awareness. Her book, Woman Submit! Christians & Domestic Violence, has been a staple in the library of resources on that subject.  

If the topic of God and Women interests you, join the conversation HERE.

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To Contact Jocelyn: Use the contact form in the sidebar of her blog at www.jocelynandersen.com to leave comments on her books, to reach her with questions, or to request for her to come and speak at your group. 

What readers of Woman this is WAR! are saying:

"This book is well written, well researched, and a real eye opener."

"Andersen is a gifted writer, and the book was easy to read even as it covers thoughtful and sometimes technical information. I am glad I read it. I’ve read a great deal about women in the church and home, and it is easy to think there is nothing new to be learned or considered – but this book has a unique approach and covers aspects overlooked by others. Everything is well documented with footnotes in case you have questions or want sources."

"The author is not only a gifted writer but clearly well-studied and informed."

" I was pleased that translation bias was covered in a chapter, an issue that needs to be addressed, and one that I find quite hard to bring up with lay people or everyday believers who lack knowledge about Bible translation. We can trust our Bibles, but we also need to acknowledge that certain passages are hard to translate and bias can come into play."

"Andersen tackles most of the primary the teachings of complementarianism with an impressive exegesis"

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