Girls are Different from Guys: Where Angels Play

   Differences do not threaten equality between the sexes, and the conservative feminist recognizes and celebrates differences between women and men. 
   Take for instance, the truck driver, Dianne Lively, who felt she was delivering the most special load of her life when she picked up a playground donated by, “Where Angels Play Foundation,” dedicated to the memory of little Ryanne Cara. 
   Lively was profoundly moved to be a small part of honoring the memory of a little girl’s life. And she felt privileged to be a part of the wonderful work of, “Where Angels Play Foundation,” in delivering Ryanne Cara's memorial playground. 
   She called a florist and arranged for balloons and ribbons to be delivered to a truck stop not far from the playground location. She contacted her broker and explained there would be a short delay while she stopped to decorate the truck before delivery. 
   The broker then called his contact at, “Where Angels Play,” and told them what she was up to. 
   This resulted in a last minute, quickly assembled--but very special--welcome, for the truck driver at the playground location, where a group was waiting to assemble and dedicate the playground. 
   Ryanne Cara's parents were there. The woman expecting in the picture below is her mother. 
   After she arrived, Lively was told that she was the only truck driver to ever decorate a truck for playground delivery. They were so touched by extra effort she put into celebrating Ryanne Cara's life and the delivery of the memorial playground they made her an honorary member of the Foundation!
    Many, if not most, behaviors defined as “feminine” or “masculine” are culturally developed and deeply--but artificially--ingrained. The conservative feminist understands this. But what truck driver, Dianne Lively, did, was a uniquely female thing. 
   Men do wonderful things as well. Things that could be understood to be uniquely male things, and this writer has every intention of writing about them as they come to her attention. But few would argue that it simply would not occur to most males--truckers at that--to call a florist then drive down the highway with balloons and ribbons fluttering from their trucks. 
   The evidence of this lies in the fact that numerous "Where Angels Play" playgrounds have been delivered by male truck drivers--most of them in fact--and not one playground was delivered with balloons and ribbons decorating the big-rig.
   Until Dianne Lively made her entrance. 
   What Lively did was special. It touched the hearts of Ryanne Cara's parents and all the others who awaited the delivery of a playground that, in the memory of one precious little girl whose life was far too short. would bring joy to many children.

 Author and speaker, Jocelyn Andersen, is an eclectic Christian writer. She is a Bible teacher who writes about many subjects including Bible prophecy and equality of the sexes. She is best known for her advocacy in domestic violence awareness. Her book, Woman Submit! Christians & Domestic Violence, has been a staple in the library of resources on that subject.  

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