The Kingdom of Christ


Thereafter the consummation, when he shall have entrusted the kingdom to God and Father when he shall have put down all sovereignty and all authority and powers For he must reign till he has put all enemies under his feet [1] 26: The last enemy that shall be destroyed is the death

[1] 1 Corinthians 15:24-26 is a reference to the end of first thousand years of Messiah’s Kingdom. His Kingdom is forever, but it does have stages. After the first thousand years, the Kingdom of Christ will exist for eternity in the New Heavens and the New Earth. All his enemies [both mortals and angels] will be put down, forever. At the end of the first thousand years, after the Great White Throne Judgment, THE death shall be abolished, no one else will ever be be cast into the Lake of Fire created for the devil and his angels.

This is an excerpt from The Hungry Hearts Bible Commentary edited by this author.

Read more on this subject in the book, Redemption: Bible Prophecy Simplified, a Study of HOPE.


Redemption: Bible Prophecy Simplified: A Study of HOPE: Andersen, Jocelyn: 9781702619462: Books

What people are saying

“I have been studying Revelation, and this work has helped me in that study.” –David (GA)

"I have been a Christian for only one year. This study was very easy to understand and has strengthened the foundation of my faith.” –Jason (NJ)

It is not long and drawn out but simple, concise, and understandable. I was impressed with the positive reinforcement that God is a redemptive God who has made Himself known through His Word, and in these last days through His Son, Jesus. I appreciated the emphasis on The Holy Spirit being able to teach. I also like that the author weaves scripture throughout the writing. –Mona (MO)

I love how this all fits together so well! It totally disproves the idea that the Catching Up and the Second Coming are one and the same. –Samantha (USA)

Redemption: Bible Prophecy Simplified: A Study of HOPE: Andersen, Jocelyn: 9781702619462: Books

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